Testimonial for Kristi McCarty

We didn't decide to get a doula until I was quite late in my pregnancy. My husband wasn't sure if we needed it, and frankly, I wasn't either. It was our first baby and we had no idea what to expect. We met with Kristy and I tried to play it cool, but I immediately knew she was our gal. She is so warm and compassionate. She has four babies of her own, so I knew I could trust that she was prepared for anything.

I ended up going into labour right at 37 weeks.. the actual day Kristi went on-call for us. Thank goodness. I was home alone in full active labour when she came flying up the stairs to help me. She knew immediately that this was the real deal and we had to move to the hospital ASAP. I felt safe with her.

I arrived to the hospital fully dilated so I had no options for pain medication at that point. I swear, Kristi was my pain relief. She saved me that day. I don't remember much except Kristi, with her calm soft voice, telling me to relax my shoulders and breathe. Her voice was the only thing I could hear. I was fully in tune with her and she was guiding me through my labour like an absolute goddess. She was quiet, but at the same time she knew exactly what I needed and jumped right in without hesitation. She was also very helpful in telling my husband what he could do for me.

She was my guiding light that day. I don't know how I would've done it without her there. She even took some pictures that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Those first photos of my baby.. the look on mine and my husbands faces.. my placenta!

Her postpartum care was wonderful too. I texted her every 5 minutes those first few days. I even sent her pictures of my baby's naked butt asking if it was diaper rash. She was there for me at all times. 

She was an absolute angel and if I ever have another baby, she will 100% be there with us again. I cannot say enough great things about her. We love you Kristi!

-Meagan McTeer

January 11, 2020

a photo from Kristi McCarty

Kristi McCarty

Hatch Doula Support

Birth Fee: $1400

Postpartum Rate: $30


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Postpartum Rate: $30


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