Testimonial for Wildwood Birth Collective

Vera and Elizabeth were extremely attentive and open to helping me have the birth experience that I wanted. They took lots of notes, offered lots of suggestions for natural pain management and my expectations, and were completely non-judgmental and only supportive. They showed me positions to help with the pain and how to use the rebozo cloth with my partner.

Of course literally nothing went according to my birth plan and my body had other ideas. I have anxiety and it was very frightening when I felt like I was no longer in control, and Vera and Elizabeth were both very calm and positive and it helped a lot. At a very scary point for me, I felt like I was losing control, but Vera was a very calm presence who calmly helped get the nurses when I was freaking out. She also allowed my partner to get food, and go home and get some rest while I labored, and then got a hold of him again when I needed him while I was otherwise occupied freaking out.

They were ready to help me figure out natural ways to manage the pain, but once all the problems arose, they were also quick to help me manage with the tubes, wires, random alarms and other discomforts, and got me help when I was disoriented. They kept me drinking water and reminded me of what to needed to be doing, including reminding me to breathe when I was unintentionally holding my breath. 

They also documented my birth experience very thoroughly, and there were parts that my partner and I had completely forgotten! We are very thankful that we have this record of the birth, as we were lost in the moment, tired a lot, and forgot a lot of parts.

I highly recommend their services!


January 04, 2020

a photo from Wildwood Birth Collective

Birth Fee: $1600 to $2600

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $55


Updated 1/30/2024

Birth Fee: $1600 to $2600

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $55


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 1/30/2024

Certified doulas
Certified doulas