Testimonial for Cindi Schweitzer

When I got pregnant this time, I realized that I wanted my birth story to be different than the one I had with my twin birth three years ago.  I knew immediately I wanted to hire a doula and that Cindi was the right person.  Cindi listened to all of my concerns and my wishes for this birth and was available as a sounding board for anything I needed to talk through.  

At 10 days past my due date, based on the data we had about myself and the baby, we made a decision to start an induction.  From the moment the first pitocin drip was started, Cindi was right there with us.  She helped me find positions that were comfortable and productive for my labor, talked me through my breathing techniques, and helped make sure we understood and had time to process all of the information the doctors and nurses were sharing throughout the labor.  

Almost exactly 36 hours after my labor began, Cindi was right there when it was time for me to push.  She helped coach me through appropriate pushing techniques and helped advocate for our birth plan, especially that my husband would be as involved as possible and would announce the gender of our baby to the room (we didn't know).  

However, this does not even begin to explain the most important part of Cindi's role with us.  After our baby was born, she needed additional examination and was taken from the room.  My husband went with her, and Cindi stayed with me.  It was during this time after the birth that I ended up needing her support the most.  I hemorrhaged after the birth, and Cindi was there, by my side, ensuring that I was calm and informed about both myself and my baby as much as possible.  It was in that hour that I knew we couldn't have done this without her there with us.  

Hire a doula.  Hire Cindi.  You will never ever regret it.  I'm so grateful we did and owe her so very much!


December 26, 2019

a photo from Cindi Schweitzer

Cindi Schweitzer

Cindi Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1000

Postpartum Rate: $20 to $30


Updated 1/4/2024

Birth Fee: $1000

Postpartum Rate: $20 to $30


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 1/4/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice