Testimonial for Cheryl Murfin, MA/IAEd, CD

Cheryl is just the best. Birth is truly one of the most private, beautiful, painful, awesome experinces and my two births are tied to closely with my memories of Cheryl. Cheryl helped me have two successful unmedicated vbacs with a doctor who was notorious for not fully supporting unmedicated births and doulas. She exudes a quiet confidence that I was drawn to. I knew I didnt want or need a bubbly cheerleader. I needed a super experienced badass that could meet my need for tons of factual information while also knowing when I needed to be told to just be quiet and push. I think most people who are reluctant to hire a doula are under the impression that they will somehow take away from the experience with your spouse. This could not be further from the truth. Cheryls presense allowed my husband to be fully present in just supporting me vs having to figure out what the heck to do in a brand new situation. My mom and sister were also present for both births and Cheryl fully included them in the process. My husband used a wrap on my hips during each contraction while my sister operated the tens machine and Cheryl applied a warm compress. My births things would have been MUCH different without Cheryl. My son came early at 34 weeks and was mal positioned so my pushing stage was long. They had the c section room ready but Cheryl worked together to move me around and get him to come down. Cheryl is very quiet during most of the birth process. She quietly cues you to move around and change postions and keeps everyone in the room calm. After the birth Cheryl stayed with me to help with breastfeeding and did anyting else myself or family needed. Her after care visits were something I always looked forward to. Both my boys were in the NICU and Cheryl was on of the only people who made sure we talked about my mental state and how I was really doing. I am getting emotional just writing this because she is such a big part of my life in a weird way. 

-Kori Tippett

December 01, 2019

a photo from Cheryl Murfin, MA/IAEd, CD

Cheryl Murfin, MA/IAEd, CD

Nesting Instincts Perinatal Services

Birth Fee: $3000 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $65


Updated 2/8/2024

Birth Fee: $3000 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $65


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 2/8/2024

Years in practice