Testimonial for Cindi Schweitzer

I can't say enough about how amazing Cindi is and how grateful I am to have had her as my doula! I described her as a mom except better! She was there for my husband and I throughout my entire 60 hour labor! She is worth every penny and more. I am a first time mama and was on the fence about getting a doula, but I am so happy I did. I would not have been able to get through my labor without Cindi's guidance, comfort, and encouragement. She came to our house and helped me labor all night and then met us at the hospital later the next day and stayed with us the entire time. She included my husband and empowered him to be an amazing support person for me. She educated us before-hand and helped us plan out what we wanted for our birth. She helped me to make difficult but informed decisions during my labor while I was exhausted and in pain. For example I was not progressing towards the end of my labor and was stuck at 8cm for several hours. The doctor suggested Pitocin. Cindi, my husband, and our nurse talked through my options and the risks/ benefits. I ended up choosing to get Pitocin and no pain medication. An hour later I was ready to push. Something I really liked about Cindi was when discussing medical interventions before hand she said "there is a time and place for everything." Being a nurse myself I really respected that she was open to medical interventions and wouldn't make me feel guilty no matter what I chose to do in the moment. Cindi held my legs with the nurse while my husband was by my head encouraging me. She helped coach me through the pushing stage along with the doctors and nurses. She even took pictures with my phone during my labor and of our beautiful baby girl once she was finally born! I can't thank her enough for everything she did for us! You can tell she really loves what she does. She will go above and beyond for you! 

Thank you Cindi! 


Holly, Nick, and Mila 

-Holly Taylor

November 24, 2019

a photo from Cindi Schweitzer

Cindi Schweitzer

Cindi Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1000

Postpartum Rate: $20 to $30


Updated 1/4/2024

Birth Fee: $1000

Postpartum Rate: $20 to $30


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 1/4/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice