I initially reached out to Martha because she had training in techniques I was interested in, like Spinning Babies and Hypnobirthing. Her energy was immediately warm and positive, while her knowledge was clear and matter-of-fact. We spent a lot of time talking with Martha about what I wanted - a spontaneous, non-medicated birth which would take place in a hospital but begin with me laboring at home as long as possible.
What actually happened was an induction that caught us all by surprise, and was initially extremely stressful for both my husband and I. We involved Martha in the discussion immediately, and she presented us with added information that we were not getting from the hospital staff. She also gave me a document called "Owning Your Induction" which proved very powerful.
One we decided to go ahead with the induction, Martha not only made herself available despite being three weeks before my due date, but guided me through a very painful active labor with wisdom and patience. I received pitosen and did not have an epidural, which may have contributed to a very intense stretch of contractions. Martha coached me to give in to the experience instead of attempting to manage the pain, which proved invaluable in the end. She encouraged the spontaneous movements I was making and gently pressed me to keep on with them because she knew it was helping things progress - even when I just wanted to curl up in a ball and ride it out. She also showed my husband how to support me during labor.
About 24 hours after starting the induction I gave birth vaginally to a healthy baby girl, and the hospital staff assured me that as far as first babies and inductions go, my experience was relatively quick and smooth. I firmly believe it was Martha's calming and knowledagable presence that allowed my husband and I both to have a positive experience despite the induction being far from what we originally wanted.
November 12, 2019
Birthkeeper Martha
Birth Fee: $2700 to $3000
Postpartum Rate: Not specified