Testimonial for Leah Kohlstrom, CBD, CCBE. CLC

I could not have asked for a better doula than Leah. Her warmth, compassion, and calm demeanor were essential in getting me through the unmedicated home birth of my first child (not to mention the last few months of my pregnancy!). She used her extensive knowledge of the process to comfort me physically, to reassure me with her words, and to ensure that I always knew exactly what was going on around me--no small feat when I was in the throes of active labor! When I had to transfer to the hospital immediately after the birth for a severe perineal tear, she was with me every step of the way until the OB on call was able to discharge me and send me home for the night. When I was struggling with my recovery and with postpartum depression for weeks after the birth, she continued to visit me, check in on me, and even rubbed lotion on my itchy stretch marks--a small gesture, but one that meant so much to me when I felt like a hideous troll in my stretched-out postpartum body. Even now, three months out, I still get texts from her checking in on me and my sweet baby boy!

My husband and I have spent a lot of time reminiscing and talking about the birth, and he agrees that we couldn't have done it without her. Her presence and direction gave him the confidence to support me in the ways that I needed as I worked to bring our child into the world. We are both so incredibly grateful to Leah for the essential and life-giving service that she provides, and we would absolutely recommend her to everyone we know, regardless of the circumstances or type of birth that they wish to have. Birth is a powerful, intimate, and transformative experience, and it takes a special bond of trust to invite someone to share that experience. We are so glad that Leah was with us during ours.

-Abigail Mehrmann

September 30, 2019

a photo from Leah Kohlstrom, CBD, CCBE. CLC

Birth Fee: $900

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $40


Updated 8/19/2024

Birth Fee: $900

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/19/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice