Testimonial for Jackie Prescott

Hiring not only a doula, but Jackie as our doula was one of the best decisions we made. She served as a labor coach for a nervous first time mom and dad, who gave us the extra support you don’t get from the hospital, nurses, and doctors alone by the mere nature of busy maternity wards. 

With Jackie as my birth coach, she helped me create a informed birth plan based on her knowledge about the many medical aspects of labor and delivery. She also addressed  any concerns that arose during the course of my pregnancy via email, texts, phone calls, and in person. 

Her ability to provide comfort with pain-relief techniques including breathing / relaxation techniques, massage, and laboring positions was what appealed to us as essential for our birth experience. Jackie also encourage participation from and offered reassurance to my husband or as he puts it “helped him help me”.  She also worked as an advocate for me without getting in the way of medical staff in order to remind me of the specific desires for my birth to allow me to focus on the main goal-baby. 

After birth, she helped me with the breastfeeding process which can be particularly daunting and is not as easy as  everyone may make it seem. 

I also chose the extra benefits and skills she offers-placenta encapsulation and attended her Gentle Birth birthing class. 

She also was essential when our birth planned changed from a vaginal delivery to a cesarean. She was my support partner during an unexpected situation to walk me through the medical process, helped me feel included during the surgery, and was an emotional support during a difficult medical procedure. She even captured the moment with pictures of baby. 

-Andrea Davenport

September 21, 2019

a photo from Jackie Prescott

Jackie Prescott

District Doulas

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $55


Updated 9/2/2024

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $55


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/2/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice