Testimonial for Brittany Revo

A friend’s doula referred me to Brittany and we connected over FaceTime. She was the 1st doula that I interviewed and I could immediately tell that she was a good fit. I liked that she had been a kindergarten teacher, that she calmly explained her role in the birthing process, and that she was very open to whatever birthing experience that the mom wanted. 

Brittany knows a lot about pregnancy, the birthing process (vaginal and “belly births”) and postpartum care, especially breast feeding. Like most doulas, she is a believer in natural birth (as are we!), but she never pushed her agenda - only listened as we relayed information from our Obgyn as the pregnancy progressed. 

She went above and beyond as my doula and attended a yoga for birth workshop with me when my partner was unexpectedly out of town. 

In the end, my baby was breech so we never got to “labor”  at home with Brittany. I know that she would have been a calm, solid, constant partner and would have supported my husband a lot in the process. 

And, when we found out the baby was breech and a C-section was the plan, she spent one session talking us through all that she had experienced with C-sections, to assuage my fears and so there was no mystery on the day.Too, she came to my surgery prep and kept both my husband and I calm chatting and reassuring us as the medical procedures happened. Lastly, she was there when I came out of surgery and helped make sure the baby had a good latch. To this day, I have not had any breastfeeding issues and I attribute a lot of this to a great first latch thanks for Brittany. 

I whole heartedly recommend Brittany as a doula and I hope if we have a second child vaginally, she will be there! 


August 17, 2019

a photo from Brittany Revo

Brittany Revo

Revolutionary Birth

Birth Fee: $2500 to $3250

Postpartum Rate: $55 to $75


Updated 7/19/2024

Birth Fee: $2500 to $3250

Postpartum Rate: $55 to $75


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/19/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice