Testimonial for Britney Farmer

I loved having Britney as a doula. I think that's actually an understatement. It was life-changing. To start, it was incredible to meet her beforehand and get a sense of how she could support my partner and me during birth. We both felt so close to her and so comfortable by the time we gave birth. In the end it was so important to have someone we knew with us. It also turned out to be really important to have her helping me physically throughout labor. My partner was able to be by my side as an emotional support while she supported me physically as my partner's touch would make my contractions too strong. She was able to advocate for our needs and help connect us with the nurse and midwife.  They trusted her as a doula and she was able to give us a sense of how things were going to go. She was so open, honest and present through out the experience and I honestly believe I could not have done it without her. There is nothing I would change about my experience except maybe I would have another baby just to be able to see her more!! My partner feels the same way. He felt like he was really seen and was given the support he needed to be the non-birthing partner. She was able to listen to all of our needs and remembered our birth plan even when we didn't. She is very knowledgeable and even when she wasn't sure of an answer to one of our questions, she would take her time, figure it out and get back to us. I am so forever grateful. Everyone should hire Britney as a doula. What an amazing experience. I will also add that we were induced and ended up having an unplanned c-section after 15 hours of labor. Still an experience I will never forget and cherish forever..mostly because of Britney.

-Alexandra Clifthorne

August 08, 2019

a photo from Britney Farmer

Britney Farmer

Britney Farmer Doula

Birth Fee: $2500 to $3000


Updated 2/15/2025

Birth Fee: $2500 to $3000


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 2/15/2025

Certified Doula
Years in practice