After having latch issues with my firstborn and 13 months of exclusive pumping I was elated when it seemed to come natural to my second child. I had some immediate issues with what appeared to be a heavy letdown and some ill advice led me to pumping excessively again in between feedings at 3 days postpartum.
By 5 weeks we determined I had an oversupply; I had about 600 ounces frozen, a baby rapidly gaining weight and sputtering and choking on milk, and constant painful engorgment. My son would scream while nursing him. It was so disheartening. If I had not found Sara my breastfeeding journey would have ended there.
She provided me with multiple strategies to lessen my milk supply, get me off the pump, and get me and my baby comfortable again. She was incredibly thorough, informative and attentive. She helped me regain my confidence in my ability to successfully breastfeed. I couldn’t be happier with my decision to call Mybirth and Sara.
-Devin Fian
August 08, 2019
Birth Fee: $1200 to $1700
Postpartum Rate: $40 to $45