Testimonial for Anne Wallen, CLD, CLDT, CPD, CPDT, CLSE, EpiDoula

When my husband and I discovered that we were expecting our first child, we decided that it would be beneficial for us to hire a doula to work with us throughout my pregnancy and to prepare us for delivery. We spoke with a LOT of doulas before deciding to move forward with Anne. In choosing Anne, we were pleased to find out that she absolutely met and exceeded our expectations for her, and that her commitment to overall health - medical, spiritually, and holistic - was just what we needed. 

During our time working with Anne, there was never a question we had that she couldn't answer or a situation that came up she hadn't already encountered. She was consistently responsive and prompt in her communication, and was available by email, phone or text. The day my contractions began, Anne was on high alert, texting and calling throughout the day and helping us decide when to go to the hospital. When we arrived, Anne was right by our side from beginning to end as I labored overnight into the morning. She advocated on our behalf, educated us through each step of the way, encouraged me when I needed it, and came prepared with every measure possible to assist in the delivery process and help comfort me. Even though the circumstances at the hospital didn’t allow for some of the comfort measures and birth plan options we planned for to take place, Anne was still present to help keep me hydrated, relaxed and progressing in labor. Anne was monumental in the success of my natural childbirth, plus she also stayed in the room long enough to help me with breastfeeding. 

Anne visited with us the week after the baby was born, talked with us through basic care for the baby and holistic recovery options for myself, and just make sure my husband and I (and our new baby) were all around doing well. Our last meeting was a great way to culminate her quality services. I highly recommend Anne as a Doula. 



-Keisha Katz

August 03, 2019

a photo from Anne Wallen, CLD, CLDT, CPD, CPDT, CLSE, EpiDoula

Birth Fee: $2775 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $70


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $2775 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $70


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated Today!

Certified Doula
Years in practice