Testimonial for Aijanae Young

I would recommend Aijanae’s services to my most beloved family members and friends – she’s amazing, experienced, and accessible. When asked about our experience with our Doula, Aijanae, my perfectionist spouse often says “there is no amount of money we wouldn’t have paid for what Aijanae did for us” (coming from a household that does not have a lot of disposable income). From the very beginning, Aijanae was available all hours of the day, gave us great advice, asked helpful questions, helped both of us feel more comfortable physically and emotionally, clarified her boundaries around how much we wanted her to take the lead, and really helped us understand what our choices were regarding our labor. She helped us design the labor plan that was perfect for us, and she also helped us be comfortable with the fact that things might not go to plan. She is the reason we did not have to use any medication – even when my contractions had stalled, and the doctors were ready to give us Petocin. I think our labor story is a wonderful anecdote of Aijanae's commitment and passon: she she walked an hour in the snow to get to the hospital at 5am for us, and when she arrived she calmly walked us through everything that was happening, was available for anything we needed, all while she made our delivery room as spa-like as possible (with our permission) including lavender oil, candles, music, etc. We were so thankful for the entire labor team we had, and Aijanae was the reason we felt so well taken care of, the personal touch we needed during such a vulnerable and tender moment in our lives. We keep in touch with her once in a while exchanging baby pictures – she cares deeply about every baby she helps deliver. 

-Randi Eseltine

June 28, 2019

a photo from Aijanae Young

Aijanae Young

Village to Village Doulas

Birth Fee: $2500 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $65 to $75


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $2500 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $65 to $75


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated Today!

Certified Doula
Years in practice