Testimonial for Chloe Wilcox. CD(DONA)

Chloe was an excellent choice for a doula. She was so helpful leading up to my birth, and when my baby was 10 days past her due date, I needed help and support determining how to move forward, particularly for me emotionally. I loved that she was so available to me during that time, a reassuring sage of advice that got to know me personally to determine how she could best support me in the ways I needed individually. This is so important in the birth process, and Chloe really gets that.

My hope for my labor experience was that it would be full of positivity, inner and outer strength, that I would trust in myself, God, and those around me for confidence in my health and the health of my baby. I wanted my baby to come into the world in the most gentle way possible, and to be received in gladness and joy, and that is exactly what happened. Chloe was a big part of that, and I am very grateful. 

Also I have to say Chloe has such a warm personality, and also is quirky in the best way possible. For me, this meant she was someone I could be totally vulnerable with, knowing that I would be received in love and without any judgment. I also felt very comfortable sharing my faith in God with her which was an important element in my birth experience.

Some particular things I appreciated that she did:

1) take the time to get to know me for personalized care
2) checked in on me periodically throughout late pregnancy and early pospartum
3) prepared a timeline for my birth story to help remember the details afterwards
4) helped me process my birth at postpartum visit in a very encouraging way


June 21, 2019

a photo from Chloe Wilcox. CD(DONA)

Chloe Wilcox. CD(DONA)

Snohomish County Doula

Birth Fee: $1200

Postpartum Rate: $30


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $1200

Postpartum Rate: $30


Years on DoulaMatch


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Certified Doula
Years in practice