Testimonial for Aubrey Williams, CD(DONA), SBD, CVD(TVL), CBE, VBAC PRO

 Aubrey is fantastic!  My husband and I had our first child in 2017, and hired Aubrey as our Doula.  Having had very little experience, I wanted somoene who could educate us on everything from diaper changing to delivery.  I wanted someone that could be with us the entire time if I had a long labor, and assist my husband in making me more comfortable.  I also wanted someone that could allow my husband time to go rest and eat.  Finally, I wanted a professional who would not take anything I said while in labor personally.  Aubrey did educational classes at our home with us to help us better understand and prepare for labor, birth, and caring for an infant.  Our daughter came two weeks early, and Aubrey was there with us every step of the way.  She was on the phone with me between 12am and 5am the night I went into labor answering questions, and met us at the hospital when it was time.  I had an epidural so I could sleep, and once at 10 cm, Aubrey helped the nurses and my husband move me into different positions to help the baby decend.  I credit Aubrey for the fact that I only pushed through two contractions before our daughter was born.  The hosptial lactation consultant was gone for the day when I delivered, and Aubrey helped my daugher latch and breast feed right away by showing me different positions and tequniqes.  Aubrey took excellent notes detailing the labor and birth, and took photographs of moments during and following the birth that I cherish (moments we would not have been able to, or not remembered to capture ourselves).  Thankfully our daughter was born healthy. In the event she had needed to be transported to another hosptial for treatment...my husband and I discussed ahead of time that he would go wtih the baby, and Aubrey would stay with me.  I reccomend Aubrey's services to any expectant mother.                  

-Elizabeth Beck

June 06, 2019

a photo from Aubrey Williams, CD(DONA), SBD, CVD(TVL), CBE, VBAC PRO

Birth Fee: $1000 to $1250


Updated 12/5/2024

Birth Fee: $1000 to $1250


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 12/5/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice