Testimonial for Francie Webb

To say that working with Francie was amazing would be an understatement. She's the sister/ fairy godmother/ cheerleader/ coach/ therapist that made having my first baby one of the best experiences of my life. I'd describe her as warm, prompt, funny, passionate and resourceful.

From encouraging me to switch to an OBGYN who would support my wishes to have a natural birth, to making sure I took a newborn and breastfeeding class (both free!), Francie had all the bases covered. In preparation for birth, she was always just a quick text message away... she holds the record for fastest replies.

I trusted and leaned on Francie so much that she was the one whose hand I held while I was giving birth, not my husband's! She made sure to take photos of those oh so special first moments of me holding my son, which I would have completely forgotten about. 

Our family, including our dog, could not get enough of Francie, so we hired her to help us out post partum as well. When I ended up with a clogged milk duct, she was on the phone with me at midnight, talking me through steps to try to avoid mastitis. When I couldn't deal with the influx of visiting famiily, Francie helped me set boundaries and ensured that I could recover physically and mentally. 

Francie will never push any method or belief on her clients. To be frank, she's so good at hiding her own opinions, I still wonder where she stands on debates like sleep training or how often to bathe a baby.

If we end up pregnant again, Francie will be my first phone call, even before our parents. She's the best!

-Anna & Baby Oliver

June 05, 2019

a photo from Francie Webb

Francie Webb

Go Milk Yourself

Birth Fee: $3000 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $100


Updated 1/8/2024

Birth Fee: $3000 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $100


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 1/8/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice