Testimonial for Leah Kohlstrom, CBD, CCBE. CLC

We were so lucky to have Leah with us during the birth of our son! Leah kept in constant contact with us through a long induction process and was there for us as soon as I went into labor. Although we tried for as natural a birth as possible, nothing really went as planned and we ended up needing a lot more hospital intervention than expected. As labor progressed things got a bit complicated and would've been downright scary without Leah's normalizing, informative and reassuring presence. She helped explain things to us without judgement. Ultimately, our son was born via C-section and Leah was right there with us, again, normalizing what for me was my first OR experience. There was a bit of time between when our son was born and when he was placed on me and Leah ran back and forth between he and I taking pictures to share with me, that seemingly small gesture meant everything! I ended up having to be separated from our son while I recovered and so that he could have some additional monitoring and Leah helped run interference from my room and the nusery to share what was going on, and asked the peditritian to come check in with me. She also stayed with me into the wee hours of the morning while my husband stayed in the nursery with our son. Though we ended up having to stay in the hospital for an entire additional week after the birth, we all went home exhausted, deliciously happy, and healthy. Leah checked in on us daily and continues to check in on us on a regular basis to see how we are all doing. I know that if I need resources or a listening ear, I can call on Leah. We are so grateful for the role she played in the creation of our family. I can't recommend her enough. 

-Meredith Lynt

April 30, 2019

a photo from Leah Kohlstrom, CBD, CCBE. CLC

Birth Fee: $900

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $40


Updated 8/19/2024

Birth Fee: $900

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/19/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice