My experience in her class was a great one. She was very informative and made me feel ready for the whole experience. What I found most helpful from the class were the birth videos that she showed at the end of each class, the extensive discussion of labor(we had one specific class dedicated to labor and delivery, but we also talked about it during almost every class), the empowering quotes that she wrote on the board before every class, discussion of comfort measures and tools for labor(such as the rice sock and birth ball which were used consistently during my labor), and lastly the people in the class. I met several great couples and have been able to keep in touch with them throughout the first few weeks of my baby's life. It has been very helpful to have other new mothers to talk to. The class was such a great experience for my husband and I, and I couldn't have felt more prepared for my labor. As I mentioned before, we also asked Amara to be our doula. She was incredibly helpful and I'm so glad that we asked her to join us. I had back labor and she helped relieve some of the pain by providing counter pressure. She stayed with me the whole time. We went walking together and she even allowed my husband to rest some while she stayed with me. During the pushing stage of my labor I was especially grateful to have Amara there because she kept encouraging me by reminding me that the pain was temporary and it was all for my little girl. She has a very soothing voice and is a very patient person. Those are two things that I needed throughout my whole labor and delivery. The very last thing that she does for her clients is write a birth story. My birth story was so beautifully written and very detailed. I sent it out to my family and everyone loved it.