With 4 girls 10 and under, having an awesome sibling doula when I delivered #5 was so important! Rachael turned out to be exactly who we needed. She came over before the birth and played on the floor with my girls, got to know them, and when she came the second time, she remembered all of their names. We could really tell how the girls felt about her when they hugged her as she left and asked her when she'd be back to play with them. When it was time for baby girl #5s birth, Rachael swooped in with cookies to bake, books to read, and pages to color while I labored. She was very intuitive about when the girls needed a break from hanging out with Mama, and the right words to say during transition. It was so nice to not have the burden of entertaining the girls and breaking up squabbles, etc. during labor. All in all, our first home birth was a wonderful experience, due in large part to having Rachael there. We can't recommend her enough! The girls want to know when she's coming back!
-Chandra Golding
April 23, 2019
RadLove Doula Services
Birth Fee: $800 to $2000