Testimonial for Jade Passamonte

My pregnancy and delivery were already being considered high risk because I was 39 years old and was planning on having a VBAC. I didn’t know a lot about doulas and just how beneficial they are to both mom and dad to be. I reached out to Jade (my son's schoolmates mom) to see if she could recommend a midwife, doctor or just had any help for me. She immediately started making calls and doing everything she could to calm me down. I remember her telling me that regardless of my situation, she would be happy to come and just massage my feet and back during my labor. I thought that was sweet but had no intention of taking her up on her offer. Somewhere along the way we decided that she HAD to be my doula and there was no way I wanted to do this without her. That day a beautiful friendship and partnership was born.  Fast forward to go time; we were off! Jade showed up at my house so she could help my husband get me to the hospital and from that moment on we were all in great hands, literally. She was on point and aware of everything the entire time. She helped not only me, but my husband, remain calm. She coached him on to how to coach me which took the thinking away for him so he could just be in the moment with me. Jade knew exactly when I would get scared or be in “just too much” pain and would immediately lock eyes with me and get me back to neutral.  Her massage and oil blends were perfect. They kept me calm and relaxed almost my entire labor and delivery.  Jade knew exactly how and when to intervene, when to let my husband be my focal point and when to step away to let the two, and then three of us, just be.  I know, without a doubt in my mind that without her by my side for not only my labor and delivery but for those last 11 weeks, I would not have had my perfect delivery.  Jade will far exceed your expectations and make this an experience that you and/or both you and your partner will not want to forget. 

-Kirstin Lynch

February 24, 2019

a photo from Jade  Passamonte

Jade Passamonte

Whole Mama Wellness Collective LLC

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1600

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $40


Updated 9/6/2024

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1600

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/6/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice