Testimonial for Amanda Clarke-Ray M.Ed., CD(DONA)

Amanda was extremely professional and cared so much for my family and I. She took into consderation her schooling (of course) and her personal experiences, which helped shape how she treats and cares for her clients. She asked questions that I never even considered and helped to advocate for me when I felt uncomfortable or didn't know that I could. I was a 2nd time mama when using Amanda's services so I had already experienced a birth. I had a good idea of how I wanted my 2nd birth experience to go and Amanda helped to execute it perfectly! My birth experince the 2nd time around was quite different than my first (not using a doula) and I couldn't have asked for a more peacful and easy birth! She helped me to relax and keep things in perspective no matter what came up - big or small. I am naturally anxious so this was very important for me. Amanda asked questions throughout the entire experience and reminded me of things I wanted from this birth experience (per our pre-birth meeting). It was also super helpful that Amanda was taking notes and data (and I love data!) during the entire process which was both helpful to me and the hosptial staff at times.  During labor, it's as if things are happening so fast and there are a good deal of serious questions from staff and family. It was nice to already have a plan in place before getting into the thick of laboring! She also took pictures of my babys birth which I will cherish forever! What ended up being most helpful for me wasn't necessarily the birth (although of course I needed the help!) but it was the before and after support that she provided. I can't recall how many times I leaned on her for support or direction in further care and she was ALWAYS there! Postpartum is such a difficult time where support from another mom/doula is so crucial and special.  I cannot say enough good things about Amanda's sevice but I will forever recommend her and use her services in the future! 


February 18, 2019

a photo from Amanda Clarke-Ray M.Ed., CD(DONA)

Amanda Clarke-Ray M.Ed., CD(DONA)

Amanda Clarke-Ray Doula Services

Birth Fee: $2500

Postpartum Rate: $50


Updated 9/6/2024

Birth Fee: $2500

Postpartum Rate: $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/6/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice