I immediately felt comfortable with Enza when I met her, almost as if she were a long-time friend or family member. I know that without Enza I would not have had the confidence to fulfill my desire to labor at home for as long as possible, and to give birth without medication. I had a very irregular labor pattern that seemed to stop and start randomly (after assisting at over 100 births, Enza says she's still never seen a labor quite like mine), but she was able to use her intution and knowledge to decide when it was time to go the hospital -- and she was right! Once at the hospital, I was basically ready to push and I started to panic; Enza put her hands on my shoulders, looked me in the eye, and said "Breathe!" and started taking deep breaths with me. Immediately, I calmed down and the pain subsided! If I were to ever have another baby, I would not want to give birth without her.
-Gina Calia-Lotz
January 08, 2012
A Mommy's Friend Doula Services
Birth Fee: $1000 to $1800