Testimonial for Jenny Gillespie

My husband and I were very anxious about finding the right doula for us for our childbrith. The moment we met Jenny, our minds were immediately put to ease as we knew she would be the perfect fit for us. Not only is she incredibly knowledgeable and professional, but she is also very comforting and nonjudgemental. I knew she would support me in whatever kind of birth I hoped to have, and I could trust the information she supplied me with as it was totally unbiased. She is a brillient childbirth and baby care educater, as well as a Certified Lactation Consultant, which was a wonderful bonus. We were able to have private classes with her in our home before delivery, which was great because toward the end of pregnancy I was most comfortable in my own home. We felt so prepared heading into this new journey, and once I sarted breastfeeding I really felt that I had an advantage due to having taken her breastfeeding class. Most importantly, she was an absloute godsend during my labor. It was over 20 hours long and rather challenging, situtations arrose that i did not expect, but Jenny got me through it. She took care of me, my husband and my mother throughout my whole labor and for that we will forever be greatful. She made me feel comforted and supported, and empowered me to achieve the vaginal birth I had hoped for. I do beleive without her I very well would have ended up having a C Section. I felt truly cared about by Jenny before, during and even after the birth of my child. The postpartum period is scary and fragile and just knowing I have her to reach out to helps a great deal. Not only do I highly recommend her as a doula, I would say she is an absolute necessity.

-Melanie Guido

January 23, 2019

a photo from Jenny Gillespie

Jenny Gillespie

your doula

Birth Fee: $2500 to $3000

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $45


Updated 2/7/2024

Birth Fee: $2500 to $3000

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $45


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 2/7/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice