Testimonial for Jenny Gillespie

It is hard to convey how important Jenny's support and presence turned out to be, in one of the most traumatic yet beautiful days of my life. Here is my genuine attempt, knowing that the raw experience of labor and the support one gets in such life shattering (and life-making!) circumstances, are beyond what any words might express:

I cared a lot about avoiding any chemical pain relief or pitocin etc, and wanted as natural of a birth as possible. However I was caught off guard when labor hit: I got back-to-back contraction right away, and the continuous surges lasted almost throughout the 15 hours of labor! If Jenny hadn't been by my side, I probably would have caved and begged for an epidural after 2 hours! Instead, she helped me breathe, came up with one idea after another to cope with the pain, and was exactly the vital support I needed, all the way until my little one latched on. Every decision we made (for example the decision to accept an IV of fluid temporarily at one point), was made very calmly and deliberately, thanks to Jenny's advice and experience.

Jenny is very experienced: she's been a doula for many years, and even teaches other doulas. This really shows in how wonderful a resource she is. I should also add that Jenny speaks French like a native: this was important for me as it is my native language, and in the hardest moments of labor it was very comforting to be able to communicate this way.

I am so proud and happy, both for myself and for my baby, that I had a natural birth, and Jenny's comforting words were crucial for this -- thinking back I can still hear her calm, supportive, and energetic voice: "stay with it... breathe..." My husband, too, felt truly included in the process, and we will always be grateful for Jenny's help welcoming our baby into this world.

-Claire Sagan

January 18, 2019

a photo from Jenny Gillespie

Jenny Gillespie

your doula

Birth Fee: $2500 to $3000

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $45


Updated 2/7/2024

Birth Fee: $2500 to $3000

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $45


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 2/7/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice