Testimonial for Jennese Birritteri

I had never heard of a doula until a few months ago. My wife explained what a doula is and what they do and suggested that we hire one. That's when I was introduced to the Birth Tribe. 4 doulas were chosen for us to interview with. They were all wonderful, but our connection with Jennese was unmatched. I have 3 boys from a previous marriage, and this was my wife's first (although we suffered 3 losses previously). I was kind of freaking out on the inside, as the births of my first 3 were very processed. I felt sidelined and useless. Whatever the doctors or nurses said was how things were going to be. I had no say. It didn't feel like i had any place in it and frankly, it sucked.Everything this time around was different. Jennese was a god-send! She taught us various positions and techniques on how to soothe my wife in the weeks leading to labor and during labor. Her guidance and advice was on time every time! Her compassion and ability to get inside of our thoughts and souls still moves me to tears. During the many hours of labor, her support was key. Not just for my wife, but she was there for me also. She helped me be heard. She showed me how to be involved, and boy was I! Ultimately, decisions needed to be made, and they weren't the kind found in our birth plan. During these moments, Jennese was able to call for a time-out, giving us a chance to discuss these very drastic changes. Pitocin was needed to augment labor. 12 hours of contractions led to 3 plus hours of pushing...only to result in the need for a C-section delivery as the baby was getting stuck. It was worst-case scenario for us. Jennese kept my wife comfortable while she helped keep me grounded and centered. She may not have realized, but she helped me fight through my own quiet insecurities- and helped me find my place as a father and partner during the birth of our little rainbow. It felt too personal to just be a "service". Jennese is nothing short of an angel!

-Adam Lewis

January 07, 2019

a photo from Jennese Birritteri

Jennese Birritteri

Blessed Journey, LLC

Birth Fee: $1000 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $55


Updated 8/30/2024

Birth Fee: $1000 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $55


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/30/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice