Testimonial for Tia Ajao Hello Doula!

Hello, I am Roxelle Frans. I first had the pleasure of meeting Tia Ajao when she was my doula in 2014. I was pregnant just months after suffering a miscarriage which caused a level of fear, I didn’t know I had.
Having Tia as my doula was a God sent. Tia exceeded all our expectations and she was a true professional. Prior to the delivery day Tia checked in on me almost every day. By the time my baby was ready to enter this world on May 15, 2014 I was a lot more at ease than I was prior to having Tia in my life.
During the delivery of my little one I had high blood pressure which could have led to a C-section. In a matter of minutes Tia arrived and remained until after the birth. Prior to my husband and best friend’s arrival at the hospital I was accompanied by my sister and cousin. In the beginning their presence was not beneficial to me or my baby's health. They mistook the day as an opportunity to use my ears as a way of expressing their frustration with one another.
Tia honored my need for peace and quiet by requesting those individuals to take a break and leave the room for a few minutes. That short moment of peace quickly allowed my blood pressure to be lowered and my baby to be out of harm's way. Tia's presence was very calming, and she was extremely helpful. She was there as a support to my every need. Tia exceeded anything I could have asked for. She sang to me, fed me ice chips, rubbed my feet, adjusted me and held my hands. Somehow, she was able to do all of that without over stepping or taking away from my husband, best friend, sister and cousins experience of the delivery.
Tia visited me in the hospital the next day with a diaper bag filled with goodies for the baby and I. Most of the items were helpful during the babies first few weeks and some I keep as keepsake of our time together.
I learned the breathing technique from Tia. I use it regularly to help me relax during stressful situations.

-Roxelle Frans

December 16, 2018

a photo from Tia Ajao Hello Doula!

Tia Ajao Hello Doula!

Hello Baby Events!

Birth Fee: $1800 to $3000

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $75


Updated 6/26/2024

Birth Fee: $1800 to $3000

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $75


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 6/26/2024

Certified Doula
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