??????????When I found out I was pregnant, I was pretty scared about giving birth. My partner and I decided to get a doula for extra support during labor- I am so thankful we did! Stacy was beyond amazing, reliable and professional. I went into labor around 1am and Stacy answered my husbands call, and was ready to head to the hospital. During labor, I couldn’t even talk, Stacy was practically reading my mind, and she knew what to do/ what I needed when I didn’t! I felt so safe knowing she was there, she was so calm, collected and positive. I recommend Stacy to anyone who is wanting to do a natural birth, or to anyone who is giving birth. The support was unreal! After birth, she made sure my family and I were situated, and even checked up on me post hospital. I love you Stacy!
-Megan Baltzell
December 15, 2018
House of Helm
Birth Fee: $2100