Testimonial for Barbie French, CD(DONA), CPD(RI)

My husband and I are so grateful and blessed to have had our doula, Barbie, be part of our second son’s birth. We would highly recommend having the support of a doula to every expecting couple; it truly made a huge difference in our birth experience. The birth of our first son didn’t go as smoothly as we had hoped, and unfortunately I ended up having a C-section after a long 36+hour labor.  We knew that a VBAC was going to be a challenge and we felt the need for more support for the birth of our second son. I carried a lot of fear and anxiety with me from my first birth experience. Several prenatal meetings helped us create a bond and connection with Barbie – this was one of the biggest concerns of my husbands– it’s hard to envision welcoming an “outsider” into this sacred time in your life, but we’re so glad we did! Each time we met with Barbie and our Doula Team, they helped us feel more confident and prepared. In the early stages of labor at home, Barbie and our Doula Team were in constant contact with us. They provided advice and asked the right questions to make sure everything was going well and were especially helpful when it came time to decide when to going to the hospital. During labor at the hospital Barbie was always by my side - providing physical relief (counter pressure during contractions was very helpful!), getting cold wash cloths, keeping me hydrated, suggesting walks or different positions, and motivating me to keep going. It’s amazing how helpful having an experience, knowledgeable advocate on your side can be. It really helps you stay on track! In the end, we had a successful natural VBAC and honestly do not think this could have happened without Barbie’s support.

-Ben Spiller

November 29, 2018

a photo from Barbie French, CD(DONA), CPD(RI)

Birth Fee: $1300 to $1500

Postpartum Rate: $45


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $1300 to $1500

Postpartum Rate: $45


Years on DoulaMatch


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Certified Doula
Years in practice