Testimonial for Francie Webb

I met Francie at a doula speed dating event where she and I were one of the first ones to arrive. (+100 points for being early) Even before the event started, we got to know each other. It was my first time to attend an event like that, and I was able to meet several other doulas, but at the end of the session, it was Francie who I clicked with. She is relaxed and present, calm but engaged. She has a great sense of humor and a sense for what needs to be done at that time. We talked about yoga and her MilkinMama business. The other doulas I met were alright, but it was Francie who I could imagine being comfortable with during what could be a long labor.

I had attended a hypnobirthing class series and planned to do an unmedicated birth, so it was important for my husband and I to have another person who was familiar with that method to support us. Our prenatal visits helped get us ready for the big birthing day and served as opportunities to become very comfortable with Francie. She does a great job of getting you in the right mental space to feel ready for whatever happens.

Francie is the doula for you if:

-You have a husband who likes to be overprepared and risk averse. Francie is an excellent communicator and always makes you feel empowered to make decisions.

-Want to feel like the amazing human that you are while bringing a tiny human to this world. Francie's genuine sense of awe and wonder for the birthing process is contagious.

I'm lucky that I was able to meet Francie when I did, and had the resources to have her be our birth doula.  Her IBCLC training made our postnatal visit so valuable, she steered us to the right treatment options for our baby's tongue tie.

When I need to be affirmed in this motherhood journey, I read her book, "Go Milk Yourself, You Have Power, Express It" and feel more capable immediately.

-Bertha Lina Arimas

September 20, 2018

a photo from Francie Webb

Francie Webb

Go Milk Yourself

Birth Fee: $3000 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $100


Updated 1/8/2024

Birth Fee: $3000 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $100


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 1/8/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice