I contacted Alyson after my husband and I had made the decision to choose an unmedicated birth. This was my fourth baby but was the first time I chose to have an unmedicated birth. To say I was nervous was an understatement. She was the calming influence I needed to keep me focused and stick to my decisio. She was there when I thought I was in labor I swear a million times. The day I was actually in labor she was calling to check on me ever couple of hours to make sure I was doing ok. When the time came that my contractions were finally strong and close enough to convince me I was really in labor she was there. When the hospital told me I wasn’t progred enough to stay she walked with me until I was ready and the hospital said yes I was indeed going to have a baby. She was my voice for me when I couldn’t speak. She made sure all my wishes on my birth plan were met even when it wasn’t what was easiest for the dr. I can’t thank her enough for all her suppor. If I have another baby she will be my first call..... after my husband. I would recommend her to anyone having a baby.
-Alyse Cecil
September 18, 2018
Inner Strength Birthing
Birth Fee: $1500
Postpartum Rate: $30