Testimonial for Meredith Markussen, CD(DONA)

We contacted North Dallas Doula Associates about 4 months into our pregnany. We met with Meredith and knew it was an immediate fit. As a dominant and anxious personality, I wanted the opportunity to turn the reigns over to someone else during delivery and to focus on the experience. I wanted somone else to navigate the interpersonal dynamics betwene family and friends, and also wanted an advocate who could provide me with options and demystify healthcare terms. We do not have any cloase family in the area and my husband wanted someone who we could share the burden of taking care of me during the process with. With her generous and graceful, but no shit-taking nature, and background as an L&D nurse, Meredith was the perfect fit!

I was initially resistant to having someone so close in age- I thought it might feel like a friend watching me give birth-- and ultimately it did, but in the best way possible, not in a TMI way! About 6 months into our prgenancy we discovered our baby was breech and would be having a csection in stead of a natural birth. I was even more apprehenesive about that then a natural delivery which was what I wanted.

Meredith prepared my husband and I, negotatited the price change and ultimately was still exactly what we needed on the day off. Her assistance with nursing immediately after and the follow-up visits, in addition to the ability to call and ask questions anytime was so valuable. I would use Meredith again in a heartbeat and would highly encourage anyone interested in getting a doula to as well.

-Jennifer McDermott

September 18, 2018

a photo from Meredith Markussen, CD(DONA)

Birth Fee: Not specified


Updated 12/10/2024

Birth Fee: Not specified


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 12/10/2024

Years in practice