Testimonial for Renée Ahmadi MA CD (DONA)

Sometimes you feel lucky in life. Like when you order a Blizzard at DQ and you're served by the kid who gives you extra Skor bits instead of too few. Or when you order movie theatre popcorn, and the person before you got the stale dredges and you get the first popped kernels of a new batch. And sometimes you feel really lucky in life. Like when you go jogging in the silent woods on a snowy day, stop to pee, and happen to choose the one tree holding an owl, still as a statue, staring down at you. Or when you look out the BC ferries window and catch a glimpse - that nobody else seemed to catch - of a pod of orcas surfacing between the foggy waves. And then sometimes you feel really REALLY lucky in life. Like when you choose Renee Ahmadi to be your doula.

Admittedly, I was skeptical at first about our ‘need’ for a doula. I thought it would take away from a special experience between my partner and myself, and that I would feel uncomfortable having a ‘stranger’ bear witness to the rawest experience of my life. But having Renee there – having her alleviate some of the very real stresses of childbirth through her strong confidence and knowledge - made it possible for my partner and I to connect more fully, for me to go inwards, dig down and do what needed to be done. And luck would have it (cause it’s hard to truly know until you’re deep into the labour and post-labour experiences!) that we chose not just any doula but someone who we both felt comfortable around, who we could joke with, who I could cry in front of, who I could hang off of in the hospital elevator in the throes of contractions, who I could text – frantic for answers - during the early days with our little one... someone I could be utterly real with.

Sometimes you feel lucky in life; decisions you made turn out to the ‘right’ ones. If you’re trying to decide on a doula, meet with Renee. You might just luck out too.

-Romney Porter

September 16, 2018

a photo from Renée Ahmadi MA CD (DONA)

Renée Ahmadi MA CD (DONA)

FlexAbility Yoga and Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1400 to $1800

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $60


Updated 9/3/2024

Birth Fee: $1400 to $1800

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/3/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice