Testimonial for Caellyn Everson, CD(DONA)

My wife and I are very glad to have met Caellyn and to have her as our doula. Caellyn is probably the best doula one could ask for, she has a wonderfully soothing voice, has lots of experience, and is quite knowledgable of just about everything concerning birth and postpartum child care. (In our first couple meetings, my wife literally asked her questions for 2 hours and she patiently answered everyone.)

During the birth, Caellyn was extremely calm and used a lot of different techniques and positions to aid my wife through labor --she even snapped some really good photos of the process. After the birth she stayed with us for a while to help my wife breast feed the baby and help pack up all our belongings to move to the postpartum room.

I will never forget how Caellyn helped us when my wife was at the peak of active labor. Caellyn was experienced enough to know the baby may have been positioned spine to spine based on the way my wifes contractions were going. My wife at this point was wanting an epidural but the hospital had two simultaneous C-sections going on so there was no anesthesiologist available to administer it. This worried me greatly. It was at this time Caellyn really shined. My wife held onto Caellyn and listening to her specific coaching through each intense contraction. She guided her to different positions to help shift the babies position and then suggested we head the tub to ease the pain. This bought us enough time to keep my wife on top of the contractions while waiting for the anesthesiologist to come about 30 minutes later. Thankfully the epidural did the trick and the baby came smoothly three hours after.

I am forever grateful for Caellyn's presence, experience, and calm guidance during the delivery. She truly helped my wife cope with the most intense contractions whereas I would not have known what to do. If we decide to have another baby, I would definitely want Caellyn to be there with us again.

-Jimmy Locke

July 28, 2018

a photo from Caellyn Everson, CD(DONA)

Caellyn Everson, CD(DONA)

Held In Arms Birth Services

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $60


Updated 8/26/2024

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/26/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice