Jill was incredibly helpful and suppportive throughout the pregnancy and birth. It was SO nice to have someone on hand that I could regularly text with questions. I had lots of prodromal labor for several weeks. Jill patiently helped me wait to see if they continue and was supportive through many false alarms. When the day finally did arrive she helped us think through what some of the options might be that would be presented to us, specifically whether or not I would want my water broken to help encourage the labor along. It was valuable to have talked through that prior to getting in the room with the providers so my husband and I could be on the same page. Jill was so supportive with words of encouragement throughout my contractions. I really felt like a super-star because of her encouragement. We were very appreciative of Jill's presence throughout the labor, and we were able to have a successfully unmedicated delivery!
-Jennifer House
June 14, 2018
Doula Baby! LLC
Birth Fee: $2000