"Bold" is just one of myriad adjectives to describe appropriatey the inimitable Denise Bolds. When my wife conveyed her desire to hire a doula, I was immediately skeptical -- it elicited images of midievel times and ancient midwife practices in my mind. I simply didn't see any "need" for such a thing. However, as a newly minted first-time dad--2 days old to be sure--I can say without hesitation that hiring Denise was one of the best decisions we've ever made (other than having the baby, of course!) Frankly, whatever the definition of doula is, Denise eclipses and re-defines it. Among many other things, she is a coach, caretaker, teacher, friend, expert, and advocate. Ironically, while child-bearing and the birthing process is an age-old experience (the oldest of human experiences by definition), it is also one of the most daunting and unknown paths through which to travel. Denise takes that road and untwists, unpacks and paves it. While Denise was accessible literally 24/7 after we hired her, I want to focus specifically on labor. My wife wanted an unmedicated natural birth. Unfortunately things didn't go as excpected and she needed to be induced. Denise rolled with every punch, calmed my wife (and me), and took control of the process at the hospital in her savvy way. Nurses are far too busy to provide constant supervision, so having Denise by our side to shift my wife to a new position when the baby's heartrate fell to a dangerous level (only to watch it rise), have my wife sit on a medicine ball and do hip thrusts to get the baby to "drop," among many other intuitive techniques, I am convinced that Denise's techniques prevented a C-Section, and allowed my wife to deliver our son the way she always intended. Dense is a rock. She is smart. She is kind. She is patient. And she is BOLD. I am not the kind of person to write a review, but I can't say enough about Denise and hold her in the highest esteem.
-Seth Cohen
May 12, 2018
Bold Doula! Black Women Do VBAC, CLC, CBE
Birth Fee: $0 to $5000
Postpartum Rate: $40 to $60