Testimonial for Priscilla Brickey & Jennifer Anderson LM, CPM, LMT, CBS, CD(DONA)

Priscilla was such an amazing doula to have by my side during the birth of my son. I was hoping for a VBAC for the birth of my second child and had done a lot of research. However, I had been a bit hesitant of hiring a doula. I thought I would be able to make it through on my own. I didn't have the easiest pregnancy although I did my best to  make sure I was giving myself every chance I could at having a VBAC. I was put on bed rest at 28 weeks until 37 weeks. I had begun dilating around 31 weeks and was told I would go early. At 38 weeks I decided I needed a doula if I was going to do this unmedicated which I knew was my best chance at a VBAC.

She was so informative and helfpul through the next two weeks even though we had yet to meet. I had some healthy issues with my son come up and was told it would be in my child's best interest to induce. I talked it over with Priscilla and decided to go ahead and do it. She was always great in being able to help me logically talk through my concerns and provide useful information. I felt ready to go.

The doctor broke my water and Priscilla arrived and really changed the mood in the room. She gave me a great foot massage, suggested we put on some music and dim the lights and gave me more tips to help labor get started. Sure enough within an hour my contractions picked up and we started walking the halls. It wasn't long before they got pretty intense. She helped get through each one and her counterpressure was CRUCIAL in me making it through. Soon it was time to push and she was there coaching me through each one.

I can't say enough how much I appreciate her helping me achieve the birth I had imagined. I had my successful VBAC and feel so empowered knowing what my body can do and that is very much thanks to her.

-Stephanie Dowden

April 30, 2018

a photo from Priscilla Brickey & Jennifer Anderson   LM, CPM, LMT, CBS, CD(DONA)

Birth Fee: $1600 to $1800

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $50


Updated 6/3/2024

Birth Fee: $1600 to $1800

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 6/3/2024

Years in practice