Testimonial for Rachel Carbonneau, CD(DONA)

The BEST decision I made during my pregnancy was hiring Rachel as my doula. She is amazing, I had an extremely positive 3rd trimester and birth and I owe it all to her! She is kind, compassionate, full of information and on hand when you need her.

My OB provided me a list of doulas after we discussed that I may be alone while giving birth. I didn't even know what a doula was. I instantly liked Rachel, who took her time answering my many questions, provided information for things I hadn't thought of and seemed down to earth. I was about 30 weeks pregnant at the time and was not happy with my current OB practice which I mentioned to her during our initial conversation. After our phone call I received an e-mail from Rachel with information about the doula process and some local OB practices with midwifes (something I mentioned that I wanted). This piece of information was gold to me. I changed practices at 32 weeks and I am so happy that I did. The care they provided, paired with the direct support from Rachel made for a wonderful birth.

The plan was to birth at home for as long as possible but that didn't happen for me. I started having some contractions and texted with Rachel, I got uncomfortable quickly and after a short phone call she said we should get to the hospital ASAP. She was correct as I arrived at 10 cm, I can't even imagine when I would have decided to go if I hadn't talked to her. During the birth she knew what I needed when I didn't, provided emotional support and was the person I could rely on in the delivery room.

We met with Rachel post birth and she eased so many of our little worries, are doing this right? And as she said "you don't need my validation" but in reality, two sleep deprived parents really wanted validation that another parent and someone familiar with new babies could tell us we were headed in the right direction.

I would hire her again in a heart beat.

-Carolyn Blue

April 27, 2018

a photo from Rachel Carbonneau, CD(DONA)

Birth Fee: $950 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $45


Updated 8/23/2024

Birth Fee: $950 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $45


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/23/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice