Testimonial for Carling Sothoron

Prior to becoming pregnant, I experienced moderate "medical anxiety." When I became pregnant and had frequent doctor's appointments, that anxiety only heightened as I perseverated on all of the "what ifs" of childbirth and delivery. My husband and I decided to hire Carling as our doula to help combat my fears and help me have a more grounded and peaceful birth experience. We knew Carling was a perfect match for us as soon as we met her. Her extensive knowledge and calming demeanor were exactly what I needed to allay my worries about giving birth.

My labor ended up being induced and the whole process was long (almost two full days!) and not at all what I had anticipated, but I credit Carling for helping me get through it as well as I did. She guided me in asking the right questions at the hospital about procedures and interventions and she provided amazing moral support for both my husband and myself. My husband still exclaims how he does not know how we would have made it through those long two days without her!

There was only one major moment during my entire labor where I felt a sense of overwhelming anxiety. I alerted Carling to my feelings and she quickly took action by validating my feelings and coming up with a plan to support me. We called in a nurse to check my progress, and it turns out that that feeling was my body's way of telling me that I was ready to push! I ended up pushing for three hours, and Carling was the most incredible coach. Her encouragement helped me stay strong and have the vaginal delivery that I had hoped for.

I am now over four months postpartum and Carling continues to check in on me via email. She is the epitome of kindness and a true advocate for her clients. I cannot thank her enough for all of her support. Anyone looking for a doula would be so lucky to have Carling by her side!

-Emily Luhks

April 24, 2018

a photo from Carling Sothoron

Carling Sothoron

Chesapeake Birth

Birth Fee: $1600 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $50


Updated 5/2/2024

Birth Fee: $1600 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 5/2/2024

Years in practice