Simone was more then I could have asked for in a Doula! She helped me through the most difficult and incredible time of my life. I had a difficult pregnancy from the beginning with morning sickness, hormonal lows and placenta previa. At 34 weeks I suddenly became tremendously ill and was rushed to the hospital. Diagnosed with preecalmpsia, I delivered my son by c section that day. He went straight to the NICU and I was sent up to the ward on magnesium. My son was in the NICU for just over two weeks and a week later I was readmitted to the hospital with post partum preeclampsia. I was seperated from my son a lot and had a hard time producing milk for him. Consequently I suffered with a little depression and had some bonding issues.
Thank goodness for Simone! In many way she saved my sanity and not only helped me with the physical things but was there for me in an emotional and spiritual way. I had an amazing support sysytem but Simone was the one who kept me grounded and was able to advise me on how to deal with things that were happening to me physically and emotionally. When we left the hospital we checked into a hotel close by so we could be near our son. Simone was there everyday and available whenever I needed her, especially helping me with my issues of pumping and trying to produce milk. The day my son finally came home, she was here to help me with all the practical things as I was so overwhelmed. She was great with my husband too, advising him on how best he could support and what was needed practially. She has a wonderful dispotion, and a care and commitment that is so needed during this time. She is incredibly knowledgable and our family was lucky to have her be there with us. I now have a beautiful one year old and am so happy Simone is still in our lives. Its hard to express on paper how much she did for us. I am eternally grateful.
-Sunny Hayer
April 20, 2018
Wise Womban Doula and Lactation Services
Birth Fee: $1000 to $4000
Postpartum Rate: $35 to $100