Testimonial for Francie Webb

Im from England so im well acquainted to the midwife and doula service. When I got pregnant the US system was so far from what I had ever known and it made me very nervous.
I had found the perfect midwife where was I going to find a doula??
I spoke to many doulas and the only one who stood out amongst all of them was FRANCIE. Passionate, loving, strong, caring and chatter box like me. It felt like a match made in heaven.
I loved all our pre natal visits, as a first time mum I had no idea what I really wanted, or what to expect. Francie really made the meetings personal to me she helped me surface a lot of thoughts what would have otherwise never been voiced. She also really understood the things I wanted to take away from this birth. She also helped me understand so much about the process and particulars. 
On the day of my delivery, I questioned my decision of having doula. I loved Francie but I found myself asking did I really need someone who wasn't part of my everyday life at one of the most intimate moments in my life. Would she really know what i need or want?
The answer is HECK YES!!!!!! Francie made the whole process and experience something I don't think it would have been. Her support and style was just what I needed. The time we spent at home and at the hospital Francie made sure everything went to plan and I felt so supported and ready. She held my hand and said all the things I needed to hear. I will be ever grateful to Francie for the love and support she gave me that day. I cant to have her at all my births, I know it will never be the same without her.

-Zahra Virji

April 08, 2018

a photo from Francie Webb

Francie Webb

Go Milk Yourself

Birth Fee: $3000 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $100


Updated 1/8/2024

Birth Fee: $3000 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $100


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 1/8/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice