Testimonial for Julie Pichon

Julie Pichon brought all 4 of my daughters into this world and I am eternally grateful for all she did for my wife and I.  For our first birth, Julie met with us to prepare us for what to expect physically and emotionally.  She met with us in person and via phone calls.  She helped us craft a birth plan and feel prepared for the natural birth we wanted.  Our first birth was a grueling experience of back labor, hours of pushing, and for me as husband, filled with moments of fear as I didn't know what was happening or to expect.  Julie was there explaining options, interpreting doctor's words, praying over us, and encouraging us.  We could never have succeeded in natural birth without her.  Three natural births later we still felt so grateful for her help.  Our fourth birth happened across state lines and Julie made the journey to TN to help us with our last child.  What a blessing that was as again, birth was a fearful experience for us and Julie was a rock and encouragement during birth.  Our final birth involved an epidural and even though that was not the natural birth we wanted, Julie was again supportive and wonderful during that new experience.

Julie also chronicled our births through written and photographed birth stories that are true treasures for us.  They help us remember the journey prior to, during, and immediately after the births of our sweet daughters.

While I cannot put a price on the invaluable support Julie was during birth and the beautiful birth stories she made for us, the price she charged us was pennies for the hours of work she put in.  I cannot imagine a birth not involving Julie because of her knowledge, experience, and care for both my wife and for me.  She always went above and beyond for us and I'm happy to answer any questions about her inestimable value to any expecting couple.

Nate Miley 317-504-8944

-Nate Miley

April 07, 2018

a photo from Julie Pichon

Julie Pichon

Birth by Design

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $25


Updated 12/12/2023

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $25


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 12/12/2023

Years in practice