Testimonial for Gretchen Retka

With all of our friends and family living in another country, and my hope to have an intervention free laboir & delivery, Gretchen was exactly the support system my husband and I had hoped for. She was so supportive of my goal to have a hypnobirth and encouraged and empowered me every step of the way.

She was always available to answer any questions or concerns we had during my pregnancy and up to hours before the birth as well as during the postpartum period.

While I gave birth in a hospital, it was my hope to have the most calming and empowering birth I could have. Gretchen helped us create the atmosphere to facilitate that and was a HUGE part and reason we had such a positive experience.

I had Gretchen repeating affirmations to me and holding my hand on one side, and my husband doing the same on the other.  She was an advocate for our birth plan (that she helped us create) and helped us ensure our plan was respected by hospital staff.

She is a wealth of knowledge and female empowerment, always SO encouraging and always made me feel like I held the power within.

I will forever look back on my birth experience with love and pride and honestly.....enjoyment. It was an amazing experience and a massive part of that is thanks to Gretchen, her expertise, guidance and calming presence.

Gretchen also supported me post partum, bringing me lactation cookies, advice, herbal tea and encapsulating my placenta. I also suffered from some baby blues and post partum anxiety and Gretchen was very supportive throughout that experience.

I highly Recommend Gretchen if you’re looking for an amazing doula ! Words can’t really describe just how big of a part she played and how much we appreciate her.

-Heidi Richter

March 08, 2018

a photo from Gretchen Retka

Gretchen Retka

Holistic Sister

Birth Fee: $3000 to $3250

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $35


Updated 9/6/2024

Birth Fee: $3000 to $3250

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $35


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/6/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice