This was our second birth with Shari Aizenman. I highly recommend engaging Shari's services.
With our daughter, we engaged Shari somewhat late in the pregnancy, if I remember correctly it was after 30 weeks. We changed OB providers around the same time and delivered with Dr. Brad Bootstaylor at Dekalb Medical Center. My wife was vomiting through her entire labor from the onset of contractions. Having Shari with us was critical. Shari provided support, knowledge and information both before and during the birth. In addition, she visited our home after our daughter was born and helped us with everything from swaddling the baby to self care. It's a really good idea to have a knowledgeable party in the room with you. Someone who knows you and your wishes and can help you inform your decisions. It is unlikely that the duty nurse at the hospital can be a resource to you and it's very unlikely that such a nurse can help you make an informed decision. Shari helped us consider everything from whether to use a birthing tub to whether to give our daughter antibiotic eye drops or a vitamin K shot. The night our daughter was born, Shari had two other clients delivering babies so she was replaced by one of her backups for several hours during the labor. Shari's backup was great. Notwithstanding that my wife's labor was lengthy and exhausting (and eventually required the administering of an epidural to get her some relief and an opportunity to rest), having Shari on our side was great.
We recently had a son and Shari worked with us a little earlier in the process. Shari helped us come to the decision to give birth at the Atlanta Birth Center. Our entire birth experience at the birth center was great. My wife labored in the pool, then in the shower, and lastly delivered our son on the bed in the "fire room." Again, Shari's counsel and support before and during labor and delivery was great. As a bonus, we have photos of the birth that Shari took.
-Michael Van Cise
March 06, 2018
Bodyworks Atlanta & A Doula's Touch
Birth Fee: $1000 to $2000
Postpartum Rate: $50