Testimonial for Kira Hendricksen

I really wasn’t sure what a doula was when several coworkers recommended looking into one. Once I read that several studies support that using a doula increases the chances of having a vaginal birth, I was in. After taking several childbirth classes, and feeling overwhelmed with how unprepared my partner and I felt, I was even more convinced. We interviewed a few doulas, but we felt immediately relieved when we met with Kira. She has such a relaxed and loving personality, but what drove it home was that she was so knowledgeable about everything we asked her about. It ended up being a very long labor (48 hours) involving 4+ hours of pushing and an eventual C-section. There are so many variables during a birth (especially a long slow one). The nurses at Swedish were excellent, but I knew they didn’t have time to thoroughly discuss all possible scenarios with me as they take my vitals, administer meds, chart, etc. Kira suggested several techniques that made me and my partner so much more comfortable (hint, ask about "therapeutic rest"). Having her by our side really made everything less scary (like the epidural). Kira really has a lot of tools in her tool belt, and I feel like we pretty much used them all. Although I ended up having a c-section, I am confident that we tried everything and that ultimately it was the only safe way our baby was getting out (pretty understandable once we saw the baby's stats: over 9lbs and head in the 99th percentile!).Kira was also amazing postpartum. Hashing out what happened at the birth was really helpful for me and helped dispel some negative emotions I was holding on to. I had so many questions about the birth and about how to take care of this new little person. In the words of my partner, we went from "OMG how are we going to do this!" To "OK, we got this." She somehow manages to instill confidence and a sense of calm. I wholeheartedly recommend Kira to anyone having a baby.

-Kathleen Newhouse

February 05, 2018

a photo from Kira Hendricksen

Kira Hendricksen

Expecting Joy

Birth Fee: $2600 to $3000

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $50


Updated 8/25/2024

Birth Fee: $2600 to $3000

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/25/2024

Years in practice