Testimonial for Patricia Alatriste

I am so thankful for Patricia’s support that it is hard to know where to start! I met Patricia by chance. My doula was sick, and Patricia was working as her backup. Having never met her, I didn‘t know what to expect when she arrived at the hospital. She was perfect. She jumped right in (my labor progressed pretty quickly) to help me feel calm, collected, and safe. I really felt like Patricia was there with me. She seemed to know her way around the hospital, and was familiar with some of he nurses and doctors we were working with. Most importantly, Patricia offered me her shoulder to cry/bite/scream into when it felt like my husband didn’t really know what to do for me. She helped me feel like I really accomplished something special by successfully having a VBAC- I left the hospital feeling confident and happy about how everything went. It would have been easy for me to feel defeated (for example, disappointment that I got an epidural when I wanted to avoid one) but Patricia helped me reframe everything and really see the beauty in that day and what we accomplished by bringing our little boy into the world. And honestly, with all the hormones fluctuating and whatnot, new moms are exhausted and sometimes need a little help in seeing the big picture! I know I did. It wouldn’t have been the same experience without Patricia. If we end up having more kids, we will be hiring her again. She had a whole bag of tricks, from essential oils to massages, that she brought to the hospital and were wonderful, but it was her presence and emotional support that impacted our birth experience the most. Also, Patricia did a great job at keeping my husband feeling suported, as well. Patricia, thank you sincerely for everything you’ve done for our family!

-Megan Falk

February 01, 2018

a photo from Patricia Alatriste

Patricia Alatriste

Modern Mama Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1600 to $2400

Postpartum Rate: $40


Updated 4/24/2024

Birth Fee: $1600 to $2400

Postpartum Rate: $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 4/24/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice