Testimonial for Leah Kohlstrom, CBD, CCBE. CLC

My husband and I hadn’t considered hiring a doula for the birth of our first child because privacy and intimacy were very important to us and somehow I, wrongly, imagined that having a doula there would change the dynamic and take away from that. Near the end of my pregnancy, a friend recommended I reconsider since I was ”planning“ an all natural water birth at the hospital. After meeting Leah first myself and then a second time with my husband it became undeniably clear to both of us that her presence not only wouldn’t diminish the intimacy of the experience but only support it and provide even more love, respect, and security. My pregnancy went nearly two and a half weeks past my due date and she was there every step of the way to educate us and guide us through making some tough and important decisions. Without her graceful care and calm approach it would have been very difficult for me to remain confident in my choices and, ultimately, the decision we would have to make to have a c-section. She was an incredible sounding board as we processed all the medical information and I my own fears and insecurities, both leading up to the birth of our daughter and afterward. Our gratitude for her presence is unending and she continues to remain supportive as I navigate the challenges of being a new mother. I would highly recommend Leah to anyone in the process of finding the right doula for any type of birth, including those who, like myself, are not yet convinced of the massive benefits. Although we can never truly plan our birthing experiences, Leah helped to make ours even more powerful, beautiful, and without any regrets, even with the unexpected. If we choose to have a second child, we would be honored to have her loving presence there once again. Thank you Leah! You made a monumentous occasion even more special and I will always look back at the birth of our little girl with gratitude and appreciation.

-Amanda King

February 01, 2018

a photo from Leah Kohlstrom, CBD, CCBE. CLC

Birth Fee: $900

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $40


Updated 8/19/2024

Birth Fee: $900

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/19/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice