Testimonial for Fatima Abdallah

Fatima provided an extremely comfortable environment for me that transported me from being in the cold hospital to a place of peace. By encouraging me using a gentle, optimistic, and soothing voice whenever I doubted myself, reminding me kindly to unclench my jaws and relax, and using soft touch on pressure points - specifically on my forehead, I remember calming down almost immediately. There were times I really felt like I could not continue, but both my husband and I looked to her for support and she reminded us and kept our spirits high.

She also provided me with a warm blanket, hot water bottle, and hydration whenever I needed it. Honestly, most times when she helped me with these things, it was without me even having to say it - if I seemed uncomfortable she made subtle efforts to correct that. When I was thirsty but didn’t have the energy to say so, she brought me water (and my favorite thing - ice chips). She got a cold compress for my head when it was getting hot and even fixed my hair to get out of my face when it was getting in my way - all things again that I felt were just perceived by her and perfect touches to make me feel reassured and cared for while 100% focused on delivering.

Not only did she support me, but she also supported my husband during labor. Like most birth stories, mine began in the middle of the night where my husband was running on very little sleep or energy. She encouraged him to refuel with food and rest and stood by my side so he could feel comfortable doing so.

Overall we had a wonderful experience with Fatima and I appreciate her support, kindness, and love.

-Janan Sarwar

December 27, 2017

a photo from Fatima Abdallah

Fatima Abdallah

Oasis Birth Doula | Fatima

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1800

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $50


Updated 1/28/2024

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1800

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 1/28/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice