When I first heard about Jill and what her role as a Doula was, I was hesitant- thinking that I would be just fine delivering a baby on my own. I decided to talk with Jill and realized that her role was much more than just being there when it was time for the baby to be born.She was there for me from the time my water broke (at 2am) to the actual delivery of my baby (8:45 pm) and after to help with nursing him. Jill is very knowledgable and is an expert at what she does! I am so thankful to have had her help during my labor and delivery. She was supportive in my decision to labor without and epidural as long as I could and then have one when I decided that I wanted to. I know that had she not been with me, I would have chosen to get an epidural much sooner than I did which would have slowed the whole labor by confining me in bed. She was totally there with me for every contraction and was able to help me cope with the pain through various comfort measures that I wouldn't have thought of! Jill is such a blessing to my husband and I and helped make my birthing experience everything that I wanted it to be. Thank you Jill!!!
-Cerise VanLuven
September 09, 2009
Doula Baby! LLC
Birth Fee: $2000