Testimonial for Meagan Thompson

Meagan made my dream birth come true! I relied on her calm reassuring energy so much. Her support and confidence in me made a huge difference. My water broke at 3 am and she came to our home as quickly as she could. She helped coach me through breathing, comforted me, and gave me massage on my lower back to relieve the pressure. She reminded me of some laboring positions like leaning over my birthing ball on the bed that helped me cope. It was nice to have her tell us it was time to go to the hospital because she could see that | was progressing so quickly. She followed us to the hospital and supported me through contractions as we made our way to the delivery room. She advocated for my wishes when we were in the hospital by reminding my husband to have the IV turned into a saline lock, reminding the nurses that I did not want to labor on my back and to get me off my back as soon as possible, and requesting a birthing ball and making sure it was the right size. She dimmed the lights, layed out strands of twinkle lights, began filling up the birthing tub, and made sure my calming music was playing. The environment was so peaceful we think my baby came out sleeping! My labor progressed very fast so I really relied on her to coach me through moaning and breathing when I was in transition. There were so many things that Meagan did that I didn’t even see because I was in labor land and closed my eyes during a lot of my labor. But I know she was always focusing 100% of her energy on making me as comfortable and effective as possible in my labor. Meagan was kind enough to take photos and video of the birth on my camera, too, even though thats not her primary role and we treasure those photos! We would feel very blessed to have Meagan at future births and owe so much to her for helping me have an incredibly positive and transformative birth experience.

-Eliza Jane

December 02, 2017

a photo from Meagan Thompson

Meagan Thompson

About Birth, LLC

Birth Fee: $2000


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Birth Fee: $2000


Years on DoulaMatch


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Certified Doula
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