Testimonial for Deborah Badran, CD(DONA)

Every time we think about the birth of our second baby, we are so grateful we had Deborah! My first baby was born via c-section due to labor not progressing. Recovering from c-section was not easy, so I really hoped to avoid it this time. I asked my OBGYN for recomendations and she gave me Deboarh's contact info. My husband and I met Deborah and signed the contract on the same day. Since I already had a c-section, we asked what would happen if I got c-section again: would we get our money back. And Deboarh explained that she would refund 50% in a situation when my OB tells me in advance that we should schedule a c-section. But if labor starts and then c-section happens, there would be no refund. It made sence to us.

Having Deborah was a true blessing! It was small and big things. She gave really grateful packing list and few things from it I now always recommend to my friends. When my water started leaking, Deboar told me about being cautious and not just go by the common test "Does the water run down your leg" and if it doesn't it probably isn't quite water breaking. She explained that sometimes the liquid may not just run down but the sack may already be raptured and infection can get in if not addressed. I really appreciated that she was watching out for me and guiding me while I was home feeling nervous and anxious. But of course the biggest help was actual hospital labor. Deborah was with me from the moment I was induced (since after a leak no contractions followed) till the moment the baby was born. Almost 24 hours! During that time, I slept, my husband slept and Deborah was "on guard" in the chair next to me checking on me and checking with the nurses and my OB. She explained everything that went on around me, brought me water, held the straw to drink it, fixed my pillows and my hair. She was calm, positive, full of encouragement. I can't tell who loved having her there more: me or my husband :) And no c-section!

-Elena Gromova-Godoy

November 16, 2017

a photo from Deborah Badran, CD(DONA)

Deborah Badran, CD(DONA)

Celebration of Life Doula Services

Birth Fee: Not specified

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Updated 8/18/2024

Birth Fee: Not specified

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/18/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice